Saturday, January 7, 2017

Author's note with a poll

Hi all, I owe you a big apology.  I'm so sorry I've been gone so long.  I also have a confession:  I am struggling with this story.  I just don't like writing it anymore.  I'm not sure how much of it is the story itself and how much is that I've been stressed, worn out, and really busy.  With that said, the end of this story will be coming sooner rather than later.  But I wouldn't dare disappear without ending it for you all.  You've been such loyal and kind readers and I want to finish up right!

But before I do that, I think I need a bit of a reset.  I haven't been happy with my last few posts.  They've been forced and subpar and I need to get back to enjoying what I'm writing.  So with that said, I'm thinking of doing a brief New Beginning, New Adventures reboot!  I'm thinking 3-4 fun posts checking in on Liv, Brody, Kinsley, Lauren, and the rest of the gang.

So, before I do that, I have a couple questions for you all!  Please answer in the comments :)
1.  Are you interested in reading a few new posts on New Beginning, New Adventures?
2.  If so, would you rather read posts from post-wedding, pre-baby, or post-baby?
3.  Any other requests?  I promise I will consider them all, but I can't promise to deliver on all of them!

I'm hoping to start working on these posts this weekend if I get some feedback on time period from you all, and maybe even getting one or two up this coming week!


  1. Any New Beginning, New Adventure posts!!! Not picky at all as that was the best blog/story. I did like the Liv/Brody and Kinsley/Damien stories a little more than Lauren/Alex. Whatever makes you excited to write again :)

  2. So into any new story from New Beginning, New Adventures. And Lauren and Alex posts are my absolute favorite!!

    1. Thanks! I'm looking forward to writing about them again, even for just a few posts :)

  3. Would love more Liv and Brody and Kinsley and Damon post wedding

  4. I'd love to read New Beginning, New Adventure posts! I would love to see the post-baby updates from Liv/Brody and Kinsley/Damien. I feel like the Lauren/Alex story didn't have anywhere else to go.

  5. I'd love to read New Beginnings, New Adventures! Please please please!! :) I love Liv and Brody, I would definitely like to hear more about what happened post wedding, and then after the baby. I also loved the Lauren/Alex storyline and would love it if you could continue that, because I feel like I want to know more about how Lauren opened up over the years and how she ended up getting along with his family!

    1. Haha, thank you! So basically, whatever I write will be the best? :-p

  6. I would love to read a Liv and Brody follow up! Post baby might be kind of fun �� you're a great writer so anything will be great!

  7. I would read anything from Liv's story. I never wanted that one to end....

    1. I kind of didn't either, but it gets so hard to keep it going! I'm excited to write about them again.

  8. Sounds great! Pre-baby please. I'm looking forward to reading about Kinsley. I really liked her character.

  9. Agreed with the above, really like Kinsley/Damien and Lauren/Alex, Liv before baby.

    Thanks for the update, and just for the record, as much as I love reading your posts, and do check for new ones super often, I hope you don't feel pressure to write or post when you just aren't feeling it. I gotta think it would make it harder if it feels like an obligation, so I really hope we as readers don't make you feel obligated!

    You're the best!

    1. I appreciate that. you readers have been great. I know I say I have the best readers all the time, but I truly believe it. I've seen people get a little savage when authors disappear or take breaks, and I've never, ever had that. I appreciate it so much. I feel obligation from myself, out of not wanting to let you all down, simply because of fabulous you all are! But I know if I let you all know where I am, you are always understanding. So my readers definitely don't make me feel obligated! I just miss being excited to write :)

    2. I would just like to say that your readers don't get savage because you are very considerate to us! You always explain when a post isn't coming and you don't disappear without letting anyone know. As a reader that is really appreciated.

  10. Anything you write will be fabulous!

  11. YES YES YES! Post baby please 😊

  12. I'm all in!!! Here's a suggestion. Maybe take some of the minor characters from Liv's story and expand on their characters. Like her little sister and brother. Brody's sibling. Just an idea. mum

    1. Hmm, I'm not sure I have the brain power right now to put into developing characters that aren't already developed, but I will definitely consider this!

  13. I would love to read an update on New Beginnings!!! Also I am glad you aren't writing when you aren't feeling up to it or inspired cause it wouldn't be your best writing nor would help you get out of your funk it would probably make you feel worse.

  14. YES PLEASE! Ready to read any parts of it. Although maybe also before a new post a recap of the story? I loved it but I dont 100% remember all of it. Hahah if you really want to take this revival to a new step there a few other blogs that died suddenly, unlike yours. Would love to know how they end too! Im kidding of course....sort of :P

    1. I can definitely post a recap before I go into any new posts. Good idea, thank you! And your idea would definitely be an interesting little project...ha!

    2. Can I take that as a guarenteed YES?? :D hehe. And not to put any pressue on but if you felt like starting something new I have no doubt we would go along with that too. Most of us are pretty easy to please

    3. I have a feeling I won't be able to stay away from the blogosphere for long. But I'm currently pretty tapped out so I don't have any new ideas just yet. I would probably do something a little bit different if I did that!

  15. Oh, I really loved this current story!! But I understand ending if it you just don't enjoy writing it anymore! Thanks for at least 'wrapping it up' somehow. :) You are truly the best!

    'New Beginning, New Adventures' is literally my favorite blog story of all time, so I would be ecstatic for ANY new posts there! I'm not mad. :D

    1. You flatter me! Seriously, thank you so much. It makes my whole week to read things like this! I still can't believe how big New Beginning got and how much people loved it. Keep your eyes peeled over there for some new stuff very soon :)

  16. Yes! I would love reading those! Maybe a mix of pre and post baby. I'd love to read about their very first days with the baby or something. :)

    1. Thank you for your comment! It seems fairly universal that people don't care, they just want more New Beginning, New Adventures! I'll see what I can come up with :)

  17. Omg I'll take anything you can give us!!! Lol

    1. Good to know :) Ha! I hope to have stuff up soon for both blogs.

  18. All this talk about New Beginning, New Adventures, I might have to go back and start again! Something to read, plus I have the worst memory ever!

    1. You seem to be in good company, my traffic there has doubled since I posted this! I will also be posting a recap, per a request up the page.
